Landscaping Without Herbicides

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One of the major dilemmas of ecological landscaping is that returning a garden to a more natural state most often begins with a resort to synthetic herbicides.  To give native vegetation a chance to establish itself on a site, any existing invasive plants, and even too aggressive natives, must be removed, and that usually has meant spraying them with weed killers.  Gardeners who are seeking greater harmony with nature find this a jarring beginning to the process of renewal.

Kathleen Groll Connolly, principal of Speaking of Landscapes LLC, offers a number of alternative, more environmentally friendly, practices.  Kathy is a noted landscape designer, writer, and speaker who emphasizes earth-friendly designs, native plants, and low-impact land care techniques.  To satisfy clients who don’t want chemicals used on their properties, Kathy has mastered a number of all-natural methods for eradicating weeds and invasive plants.  In our conversation, she details how she accomplishes this feat, and why patience is the ecological gardener’s greatest friend.